Freedom Fellowship

Freedom Fellowship began on September 4, 1994, when 10 families united together to form a local church. Known as Lakeside Fellowship at the time, the first meeting was held at the Boy Scout Headquarters in Westlake, TX.

From the early days, Lakeside Fellowship has been a family of faith. Close bonds held the church together as we moved twice in the first few months. Facing an uncertain future, members of the small congregation met one Sunday night and agreed that God had a purpose for the church. This body of believers saw God working in incredible ways and through them, and new families joined.

In July of 2004, Lakeside Fellowship moved to the Fieldhouse Fitness Center in Justin. Eight years later, we purchased a building of our own in Roanoke and changed our name to Freedom Fellowship of Roanoke.

Today, we are seeing God move in a mighty way. The collective group of families and individuals who comprise Freedom Fellowship are a family of faith living for eternity today. The church is continuing to grow and reach new people with the life-bringing message of the gospel.


A Family of Faith
Living For Eternity Today

  • Foster Authentic Community. We value an unwavering commitment to meeting needs and doing life together as a diverse, gospel-centered community of believers.
  • Apply the Scriptures. We value faithful preaching and studying the Bible in community.
  • Operate through Prayer. We value a culture of collective and personal prayerfulness.
  • Engage the Lost. We value intentionally, consistently, and unashamedly taking the gospel to the lost.
  • Train Up Disciples. We value helping believers grow in the image of Christ.
  • Use Our Resources. We value a culture of generosity that leverages possessions, time, and spiritual gifts for kingdom advancement.

What We Believe


There is only one God, who reveals Himself to mankind as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each with distinct attributes but without division of nature, essence, or being (1 Corinthians 8:6).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He is fully God and fully man, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross as an atoning sacrifice that quenched the wrath of God, was buried, rose again three days later, ascended into heaven, is currently seated at the right hand of God, and will return to earth in the imminent future (Romans 1:3-4; Hebrews 12:2; 1 Peter 2:22).

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a divine helper and counselor to believers. He helps people understand truth and convicts all of sin. His work is to reveal Christ while leading unbelievers to repentance and guiding and sanctifying believers (John 14:16-17).

The Bible

The Bible contains God’s special revelation of Himself to mankind. As the Word of God, it is entirely true, trustworthy, and free from any error (2 Timothy 3:15-17).


God made a way for people to know God and experience a restored relationship with Him through Christ’s atoning death and resurrection. This salvation is provided by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The Church

The Church is the body of Christ, established by God with the primary purpose of exalting the name of Jesus in the world (Ephesians 2:19-22).



What is the meaning of baptism?

Baptism is a living picture of the gospel; it illustrates your death to your old self and your new life as a Christian by the grace of God (Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12; Galatians 3:26-27). Therefore, we only baptize those who have made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

Why should I be baptized?

Baptism is one of the first, noticeable steps of obedience to Christ. When you experience redemption, you get baptized to publicly declare that you are now a follower of Jesus. It is both a public proclamation of the gospel and a call for accountability to this new life (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41).

How can I be baptized?

If you would like to be baptized, please contact the church by clicking here and ask to speak with a pastor about baptism.


Our Membership

Interested In Becoming a Member of Freedom Fellowship?

Participate in our New Member Discipleship by emailing us here and letting us know you’re interested. Our New Member Discipleship is a twelve-part series of meet-ups with a member of our church, scheduled at whatever pace is convenient for you, in which you will discuss exactly what it means to be a member of Freedom Fellowship.

Expect High Expectations

Membership means more than a name on a  roll. At Freedom Fellowship, we hold our members to a high standard of faithfulness and commitment as we seek to grow in the image of Jesus. For this, we need more than consumers; we need contributors.


Our Elders

Freedom Fellowship is an elder-led, deacon-served, congregational church.

This means that the members have the ultimate authority on all church decisions, but they delegate leadership authority to the elders they elect. These are our elders:

John Lane

Church Elder

Kent Mahan

Church Elder


Our Staff Members


Lead Pastor

Austin Clark

Youth Minister & Family Pastor

My name is Austin Clark and I am privileged to be serving alongside my wife, Emily, in family ministry.
In 2017, Emily and I got married. We have a beautiful baby girl, Chloe Ryann Clark and a handsome baby boy, Isaac John Douglas Clark. I am a student at SWBTS, where I am studying to earn my Master of Divinity with a concentration on preaching.
I have been serving in ministry since 2014. After feeling God calling me to ministry, I volunteered as a youth leader. Later, I entered an internship at the church and was able to experience the many different programs our church has to offer. An opportunity arose in 2017, and I then began serving as the Student Pastor, overseeing middle school, high school, and college ministries. During this time, I also became ordained as a pastor at the church. 
My primary focus is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I get the joy of walking with families as they disciple their children from nursery to college. God has given me a burden to see each student entrust their lives to Christ, empower parents to disciple their students, and exemplify how to make disciples.
We here at Freedom Fellowship have been blessed with our student ministries: Tiny Trackers, Truth Trackers, and Freedom Youth. We are so thankful for those who give up their time to help teach and love on every student who comes through our doors. We pray that we are a lighthouse in our community where students can run to in times of trouble and be a sanctuary for God’s people.

Steve Ferguson

Music Team Leader

Steve received a Bachelor of Business (Business Computer Systems) degree from New Mexico State University. He is passionate about worship music and connects with God more through music than any other form of worship. He has three amazing children, all of whom have been or are still active in worship ministry.  Steve is also passionate about youth, serving in youth ministry for over 35 years.  He enjoys spending time with his family, including his first grandchild .

Kelly Lane

Freedom Kids' Team Leader

Kelly has been a member of Freedom Fellowship since 2006. She has taught Sunday School, VBS, Kid’s camps and other children’s church programs including Mother’s Day Out since 2007. Kelly is married to John  and they have three amazing adult children and two energetic grandsons. Kelly loves to garden, travel and spend time with her family and friends.  Her passion and calling is helping families grow closer to Jesus.

Elise Carter

Financial Secretary