Game Night for Youth

Tonight is Game Night for youth.  We will be playing group games all night tonight! 

For all 6th – 12th grade students.  Come join us for snacks, fellowship, and a night full of fun games!  Doors open at 5:00pm.

No Connect for Youth

We will not have youth tonight since all students are out of school for Spring Break.  However, we will be going to Camp Copass in Denton for a Spring Retreat today and tomorrow.  See the calendar entry for details.

Journey Night and Valentine’s Party – Youth

Tonight is Journey Night where our youth leaders are responsible for leading all activities.  Following worship by the youth band, our student leaders will be providing an overview of the “True Love Waits” (also known as Authentic Love) series that we will be starting at the end of this week. 

We will also have a Valentine’s Party tonight!  We encourage everyone to decorate a shoe box or kleenex box like you did in elementary school.  Everyone will bring Valentine’s cards and candy to share with everyone. 

For all 6th – 12th grade students.  Come join us for snacks, fellowship, worship and our special youth-led night.  Doors open at 5:00pm.