Youth End of School Lock-In

To help kick off the summer, we will have an all night lock in for the youth group.  Come stay up all night with us!  We will have a huge scavenger hunt, lots of food, movies and games.  You can sleep all day Saturday!!

Northwest High School Graduation

Northwest High School graduation will be held at 11:00am at the Super Pit in Denton at the University of North Texas.  Our youth group will have four graduates walking across the stage – Jessica, Kaitlyn, Zayda and Austin.

Youth Bake Sale Fundraiser

Immediately following the morning worship service, we will have our annual youth bake sale fundraiser.  All of our students who will be going on our summer trips with us will make homemade baked goods and bring them to sell during the bake sale.

All sales are anonymous.  We don’t indicate who made each item.  All proceeds go directly to help pay the student’s way to youth camp and/or mission trip in June and July.