Spring Retreat @ Camp Copass

I have many conversations this time of year with our students that consists of the question, “can we go to camp already?”  You see, camp is a big deal.  Away from the fun and games, and away from all the big lights and loud music, there is something else remembered most of all.  That something is the overwhelming power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  The time spent at camp is used to point everyone to Christ and His AMAZING GRACE.  We often experience what is called a “camp high.”  The “camp high” leaves us so excited about the Holy Spirit that when we leave camp, we are constantly seeking His face!  As we slowly come down from the “camp high” we begin looking for a way to keep that Spiritual high.

Because camp is currently five months away and we are all so eagerly awaiting, we have planned a Spring Retreat to Camp Copass on February 20th and 21st.  Many of us attended Camp Copass last year for the Spring Retreat.  During this retreat we receive a small taste of camp.  It is a time where we as a youth group come together for one night and one day and have a great time together.  Although it is such a short time, it is still a blast.  We play games and eat a lot of food, but most importantly we sing praises to Jesus and dig into His Word during our group Bible Study and Worship services!

If you are a student or you have a student who is looking for a great weekend, Spring Retreat is that great weekend.  It is a great time for all us to get to know each other even better and get that taste of what camp is going to be like.  As much as we love retreat and camp, Heaven is going to be WAY better than both of these two. 

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  Hebrews 10:24-25



Thanks for reading!

Caleb Monaghan

Youth Minister